

Best Jobs for Adults with Slow Processing Speed in 2024

Man in white shirt looking at laptop
Man in white shirt looking at laptop

It’s no gainsaying that adults with low processing speed and poor working memory can get suitable jobs regardless of their ‘’limitation”. You only find it difficult to process information and that does not in any way connote that you cannot be productive.

Every person born with dyslexia or dyspraxia is uniquely created with extraordinary talents. In fact, some have attained unbelievable heights of success despite their condition.

Well, this only points to one fact which is that there are many jobs & careers for slow learners adults that can lead to good earnings.

Without mincing words, let’s look into the best jobs for adults with slow processing speed conditions:

Looking for a job within an inclusive company? We invite you to have a look at our list of jobs for people with disabilities to find and apply to jobs for slow learners that might interest you.

Even if there are many career opportunities for slow learners, there are also some that are considered as being the worst jobs for dyslexics that you might want to avoid.

Our Top 10 of the Best Jobs & Careers for Slow Learners

1. Acting

Group of people discussing about the script
Group of people discussing about the script

Acting comes naturally to persons with slow processing speed. It’s mostly in-born. There are not one or two successful thespians in the movie industry, there are many of them performing excellently.

Thus, it’s a career option you can explore too provided you’ve got what it takes to kill it. Another benefit of this profession is that it helps you to manage your condition adequately.

When you excel at something you’re good at, it brings a sense of fulfillment and this is good for your mental well-being and general health.

So, if you’ve got the spark in you, don’t wait for anybody; begin by sending out short clips containing your acts. Leverage on the internet to get the recognition you need. You never can tell; someone may be fishing for that character that comes naturally to you.

2. Financial auditing

Some people considered as slow learners can be extremely good with numbers. If you’re looking for a job as a slow learner, choosing to work as a financial auditor is just the perfect idea for you. It’s a noble cause you can take up as financial auditors help to guarantee the integrity of financial reports by vetting such reports. It’s an interesting career path that is also highly financially rewarding.

You can ease the stress inherent in the job by working from home most time, which makes Financial auditing one oft the best career opportunity for slow processors.

3. Counseling

women sitting on brown wooden chairs
Women sitting on brown wooden chairs

Many people are on the lookout for persons they can look up to for valuable counsel. They are willing to pay a fortune to anyone readily available to help them see through life’s eye of a needle.

Adults with slow processing speed and working memory have demonstrated to be highly knowledgeable in any chosen field of profession.

As such, slow processors can easily choose this career path. If you possess the ability to manage sensitive information and are not reluctant to meet new people, then, this career choice is undoubtedly for you.

By becoming a counselor, you can add value to lives and help confused and frustrated persons find their way back to the right path. This job can be done remotely; however, you should take more time to interface with people most often than not.

4. Film making

This is also one of best job for slow learners. If you find it easy to write scripts, have good eyes for creating magical scenes, or possess inspiring movie ideas, then, you should take to film making.

Film making comes with great benefits too including fame, wealth, and maybe, reasonable time to chill out with your family especially when you are not filming. It’s a highly rewarding career path for you because, with this profession, you can affect the lives of many people by creating mind-blowing and orientating video content.

You can easily relate your perspectives and how your perception about life to a large audience who are sure, ready to accept you the way you are. In the long run, your story could turn out to be inspiring to young kids and adults like you who see their condition as an aberration and who are on the verge of giving up in life.

5. Public Speaking

Not everyone can stand in front of a large audience to teach, present an idea or product, make sales or do anything. But to some adults living with slow processing speed, it’s something they find themselves doing without any struggle.

Public speaking requires charisma and a great deal of confidence and zest. If you possess these attributes, then, that’s the sign that you’ve got what it takes to excel as a public speaker.

6. Nursing Assistants

Doctors standing beside nursing assistants
Doctors standing beside nursing assistants

There are several persons with slow processing speed and working memory who are doing fine in this career path. If getting a degree in nursing seems daunting to you, you can opt for working as a nursing assistant especially if you’re passionate about helping others. Working as a nurse assistant will help you to master the ability to stick to routine activities.

For instance, you would be expected to assist doctors with the necessary materials needed for treating specific patients; and that’s quite learnable.

Also, you may have to work shifts and do perform extra care duties at times. You may also be required to attend to recuperating outpatients or go for home treatment of immobile patients.

The job may look tedious but with the right mindset, even as a slow learner you can fit in perfectly.

7. Photography

A journalist is recording with his camera
A man wearing an orange cap is recording with his camera

The only requirement to becoming a professional photographer is by mastering the art of photography. This can only be achieved through passion, commitment, and consistency; nothing more, nothing less. If you know how to create wonders with a camera, that’s an indication that you’re proficient in the art of photography; as such, it’s the perfect job for you.

There are different aspects of photography you can explore; and of course, you can always follow your heart when choosing what to snap. Win the love and admonition of the world by creating memorable images of life with your shutter sound.

8. Computer programming

Person coding on a Macbook pro
Person coding on a Macbook pro

While computer programming may be a difficult endeavor for normal persons, some people with slow processing speed find it easy to undertake. Naturally, they just find it easy working with codes and complex data. Becoming a computer programmer is good for you as it helps to improve your processing condition.

The more you work, the more it becomes easier to understand and retain certain information. In the long run, it’s bound to be a therapeutic engagement.

You can opt for computer programming; one, if you have the talent for numbers and complex arithmetic; two, if you are consistent and hardworking. Note that this is also one of the recommended career paths when it comes to easy jobs for disabled adults as you can decide to work from the comfort of your home.

Know that, it can be frustrating if you are not naturally wired for the job (being a tech-savy will help a lot). That’s why it’s best to go for what you find easy to do.

9. Heavy equipment operation

Driving bulldozers, operating cranes and other heavy motorized equipment is not a big deal for an adult with poor working memory and slow processing speed. It’s a job they can be effective at provided they have a concrete grasp of the processes. However, dealing with heavy machinery requires physical strength and most times, no professional certification.

This job is perfect for slow learners, and if you have no academic qualifications but are quite handy at handling things. Although this job may not be as lucrative as other kinds of jobs, it can lead to management careers opportunities.

10. Art restoration

A painting in Art Studio
A painting in Art Studio

If you have an affinity for repairing damaged works of art and antique objects, this might be your line. Refurbishing artworks come with good financial implications and most clients, especially the wealthy ones do not mind paying you handsomely to restore their family heirloom. So, this job can get you to the best places if you’re good at it.

You may decide to secure a position at an art restoration firm that gives certain considerations for your condition or better still, work at your pace. Whatever you choose, there’s no limit to how far you can go.


Orlando Bloom, Daniel Radcliffe, Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Phelps, Keira Knightley, Justin Timberlake, and a host of others are superstars who have been diagnosed with slow processing speed and poor working memory at one point in their lives.

They never allowed this impediment to stand on their way to success. You too can choose to walk a different part by leveraging on your inborn talents and skills to get to the apogee of success. So stay motivated and apply for some of the listed best jobs for slow learners. If you wish to see more jobs, have a look at our list of the best jobs for dyslexic adults and jobs for people with learning disabilities.

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What jobs are best for slow learners

There are many jobs that suit slow learners adults such as:
Acting, Financial Auditing, Counseling, Film Making, Public Speaking, Nursing Assistant, Photography, Computer Programming, Heavy Equipment Operation, Art Restoration.

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