


7 Reasons Short-Term Disability can be Denied and How to Appeal the Denials

It is important for individuals to carefully review the terms and conditions of their short-term disability policy and understand the circumstances under which benefits may be denied.

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There are various reasons why an individual in the US may be denied short-term disability benefits, including:

1. Pre-existing condition:

If an individual has a medical condition before the policy goes into effect, it might not be covered by the policy.

How to appeal this short-term disability denial?

Individuals who are denied due to a pre-existing condition can appeal the decision by submitting more medical evidence. They can show that the disability is not related to the pre-existing condition and is a separate issue.

2. Failure to meet eligibility requirements:

Some short-term disability policies may have strict requirements for eligibility, such as a minimum number of hours worked or length of employment. Failure to meet these requirements can result in denied benefits.

How to appeal this short-term disability denial?

If the individual is not eligible for benefits due to not meeting eligibility requirements, they may become eligible by working the required number of hours or length of employment.

3. Insufficient medical evidence:

To qualify for short-term disability benefits, an individual must provide sufficient medical evidence to prove their disability. If the evidence is not adequate, the claim may be denied.

How to appeal this short-term disability denial?

Those who are denied due to insufficient medical evidence can provide additional documentation from their doctor to support their claim. They can also consult with a disability advocate or attorney to help them gather and present the necessary evidence.

4. Failure to follow the treatment plan:

If an individual does not follow the prescribed treatment plan, such as missing medical appointments or not taking medications, their claim may be denied.

How to appeal this short-term disability denial?

Individuals can create a new treatment plan with their doctor and follow it closely to demonstrate their commitment to recovery and potentially convince the insurance company to reconsider their denial.

5. Non-work-related disability:

Short-term disability benefits usually cover only disabilities related to job-related injuries or illnesses. If the disability is not related to work, benefits may be denied.

How to appeal this short-term disability denial?

If the disability is not work-related, individuals may still be eligible for other forms of disability benefits, such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). They should also check their policy for provisions covering non-work-related disabilities.

6. Fraudulent claims:

If an individual makes a fraudulent claim by misrepresenting their medical condition or disability, their claim may be denied.

How to appeal this short-term disability denial?

Individuals who have been denied due to fraudulent claims may need to consult an attorney and provide additional evidence to prove the legitimacy of their claim. It’s essential to be truthful and transparent when filing a disability claim. If the claim was fraudulent, it may not be possible to resolve the situation. It is always important to be honest when filing a disability claim.

7. Incomplete or insufficient information

If you don’t submit all the required information or documentation for your claim, it may be denied due to missing or incomplete information.


Can you be denied short-term disability coverage?

Yes, short-term disability coverage can be denied for different reasons, including pre-existing conditions, not meeting eligibility requirements, insufficient medical evidence, failure to follow treatment plans, non-work-related disability, and fraudulent claims.

How to appeal short-term disability denial?

If you have been denied short-term disability, the first step in appealing the decision is to review the denial letter and determine the reason for the denial. Then, gather additional evidence to support your claims, such as medical records or expert opinions. It can also be helpful to seek guidance from a disability attorney or advocate. Ensure you follow the deadlines and procedures outlined in your policy for filing an appeal.

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