


Sadie Hearn

Skills and tools

Analytical Skills

Contact Sadie Hearn

About me

In 2023, I began exploring the world of data analytics. I have always had a love for organizing information, learning and relaying new information, and solving problems. So when I started reading about data analytics as a career, a job where I get to help people solve problems by exploring data, tinkering with code, and sharing what I’ve learned, my interest was immediately piqued. To transform this interest into a reality, I have been spending time learning new skills using Microsoft SQL Server, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, and Python, as well as refining my skills in Microsoft Excel. As I continue to prepare for a career in data analytics, my goal is to combine these new skills with those I learned while earning my bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering and working in the lab. My experience analyzing experimental data, critical thinking skills, ability to work in a fast-paced environment, and drive to evolve with an ever-changing field will be invaluable in the world of data analysis.

Since graduating, I have also continued to collaborate remotely with my former coworkers to publish our research. This has included working independently and attending weekly meetings with members of Dr. Teresa Murray’s lab from Louisiana Tech University and Dr. Linda Larson-Prior’s lab from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to determine goals for our publications, update the team on the objectives completed individually, and present ideas to further progress our research.


Bachelor of Science
Louisiana Tech University

Major- Biomedical Engineering

Minor- Mathematics

Minor- Mathematics

GPA- 3.81

Special Projects:

  • Perform statistical analysis of data sets including identifying variances, distributions, regressions,correlations, hypothesis testing, and making inferences about populations
  • Code with MATLAB software to process, model, and analyze biological systems and signals
  • Code with MATLAB software to employ numerical analysis techniques including, solving systems ofequations, derivatives, integrals, differential equations, and approximating functions
  • Evaluate biomedical innovations and their impacts socially, economically, on public policy, and thehealthcare industry
  • Model bioelectrical signals with LabVIEW software
  • Fabricate a DC motor system using control theory and MATLAB Simulink simulations
  • Use Arduino hardware and software to design and program smart devices such as a self-piloting robotand “The Nanny” to assist caregivers in tracking the location of young children

Work Experience

January 2019 -June 2021
Lab Manager
Louisiana Tech University

Lab Manager: July 2020-June 2021

  • Input and manage data regarding test subjects and pharmaceutical drug usage
  • Delegate, train, and assist other undergraduate students in lab assistant responsibilities
  • Surgically implant intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) electrodes in rats
  • Monitor rats during post-op recovery, administer pain relief, and induce epilepsy
  • Coordinate with students and members of other labs to collaborate on experiments
  • Perform behavioral tests in rats, including open field and novel object testing
  • Fabricate iEEG electrodes and cannulas for neurochemical sensors
  • Document protocols and procedures
  • Manage inventory

Lab Assistant: July 2020-June 2021

  • CITI certified to work with rats and mice in a lab setting
  • Participated in Research Experience for Undergraduates Neuronal Networks in Epilepsy and Memory (NeuroNEM): Summer 2019
  • In vivo detection of rapid fluctuations in glutamate concentrations associated with seizure behaviors- Measure neurotransmitter fluctuations, use MATLAB to extract, model, and analyze data, compare data to observed seizure behaviors, and perform pairwise t-tests to determine statistical significance between mean fluctuations
  • Perform cardiac perfusions, tissue collection, and histological studies in rats

June 2021 -Currently working
Seeking New Opportunites
Professional Development

  • Collaborate with former coworkers from Louisiana Tech University and University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to review literature, publish research, and manage and analyze data using Microsoft Excel and Google applications
Exercise skills for data analysis:
  • Microsoft Excel- Pivot Tables, Conditional Formatting, Data Cleaning, Data Visualization, Creating Dashboards, XLOOKUP and other formulas
  • Microsoft SQL Server- Creating/Updating Tables, Aggregate Functions, Subqueries, Temp Tables, CTEs, Stored Procedures, Data Cleaning
  • Tableau- Calculated Fields, Bins, Filters, Data Visualization, Creating Dashboards
  • Microsoft Power BI- Power Query, DAX, Conditional Formatting, Bins and Lists, Data Visualization, Creating Dashboards
  • Practice above skills to perform data cleaning, data exploration, data visualization, dashboard creation, and manage database relationships
