


Rhonda Teague

Business development

Skills and tools

Team Management

Contact Rhonda Teague

About me

As a person with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and mild congestive heart failure, seeking remote positions are beneficial for me.

Engagement in interpersonal and social intelligence behavior through varied businesses, agencies and local/ state/ federal governments, has been my employment experience for about two decades. I introduce myself as ‘observationally personable’, who enjoys working out of a Hexagon- to show 6 workable paths for the betterment of individual, businesses, and communities.

Through the above skillsets, modeling cross-cultural agility, empathy diverse culture towards building trusting relations. I am accustomed to collaborations in client facing roles. I’ve had and learned from those experiences that were stressful, difficult, criticize, deadlines that are worked through those collaborations. My 20+ years of working with children and families in various states of protection, which allowed for interactions/trust from parents (India, Romania, Mexico, Philippine, German, Sweden, Polish and America)


Bachelor of Science
Jackson State University

Work Experience

09/2012 -12/2022
Consultant | Data Analyst | Founder
Learning & Development Child Care Association, LLC

Dynamic research- 10-year lifecycle in collection of qualitative data on child trauma and fatalities.
Curiously organized and developed unique safety training modules with sample subjects, tests as well for 25-year lifecycle.
Intriguing benefits, projections, customizations/recommendations
Well defined marketing to business designated entities.

01/2006 -05/2020
Business Development Manager | Founder
Talk, Walk & Learn Center, LLC/SHIFTS Night Care Center, LLC 24/7 learning care services

Impacted stakeholder and client relations growth by 43%, market research, strategic partnership.
Amplified business and community engagement by 31%.
Quarterly communication with State Labor Market Department regarding city population, growth of/in businesses and subsequent support systems- childcare.
Creatively designed successful solid visuals and sales script for a 24% client intake, maintenance and retention with a 6% loss- representative of client’s financial ability and willing connection with set program and behavioral environment.
Quarterly review of marketing plan, talent acquisition; with continued data of unique 4.5 week training of new staff and annual unique staff training; review client feedback.
Created and allocated budget expenditure with 17% increase of designated line items that enhanced client retention and their verbal marketing.
