

Best Jobs for Dyslexics (Adults) – Top 10 in 2024

white paper with note saying make it happen
White paper with a note “make it happen”

Learning differences in dyslexics have opened up a stream of opportunities for them, especially opportunities requiring primary and secondary peculiar skills. This means one thing, you can have dyslexia and still do well in your chosen career, you can also reach the peak of your career irrespective. Dyslexia can be challenging but it does not stop anyone from having a career and a great life.

This article will list and explain the top 10 jobs that a dyslexic can do and how they fit in best in three jobs. You will read about the best jobs for dyslexics as well as the best career for someone with dyslexia.

You can also have a look at the list of jobs for people with learning disabilities which might include a few dyslexics-friendly jobs.

We invite you to have a look at our list of jobs for people with disabilities to find and apply to jobs for someone with dyslexia that might interest you.

Top 10 Best Occupations for Dyslexics

There are loads of career choices for dyslexics. People with dyslexia can function in virtually any industry like hospitality, Performing Arts, Education, Tech, Creativity and Design, and so on, depending on their varying skills and abilities.

It is important to discover the gift or skill that you love most or you find it easy doing the most and pursue a career in the same line. You can take personality tests or skill-related tests. Here are the top 10 jobs for people with dyslexia.

1. Creativity and Design

People with dyslexia are usually very creative, since creativity and design go hand in hand, you can thrive in either of the fields. As creatives, you can be charged with capacity building and problem-solving tasks, since dyslexia allows you to find diverse ways of solving problems and a wide thinking capacity.

A career involving graphics design, pattern recognition, structures, building and spatial awareness will be great for someone with dyslexia because they’re good with pictures and arts. Together, a career in the creative and design industry would be great for dyslexics. It is also one of the recommended option when it comes to easy jobs for disabled adults as you can decide to work from home.

2. Mechanical Technologist

mechanic worker in a garage
mechanic worker in a garage

If your strengths are in machines and spatial techniques, if you understand how machines work or how parts are joined together, you may consider a career in mechanical engineering or technology.

Your career would allow you to create a design in a broad range of fields and you’ll earn higher too.

All you need is the knowledge of the computer and how technology can be used to create testing designs. Dyslexics are said to have a higher function of their motor skills, which is needed in the line of technology. Do you think you would be interested in this? Then go for it.

3. Performing Arts

You can even consider a career in performing arts where your strong creative notion and intelligence would be put to proper use. There are so many fields in the performing arts that you can consider.

Music, dance choreography, drama, and so on. You can also decide to teach music, dance, and drama instead of performing. You can impart other students in your formal training and knowledge.

Performing arts is a lucrative discipline, you’ll also earn well whether as a performer or a teacher. If you have an interest in any of these fields, then go for it and build a career.

4. Hospitality

a woman is putting a flower pot on a table

It has been said that dyslexics thrive very well in the hospitality industry, one of the best jobs for dyslexics (adults) is in the hospitality business. So, if you’re skilled with meeting people and caring for them, you should consider a career in hospitality.

There are several roles you can take on as someone in the hospitality industry including:

  • Chef
  • Kitchen hand
  • Waiter/server
  • Valet
  • Customer service officer and so on.

Everyone can be brilliant and useful, everyone can have a career and you can too.

 5. Fashion and Styling

Still, in the creative line, you can carve out a niche for yourself as a fashion stylist, owning your line of dresses and going for the big deal, entrepreneurship. On the other hand, you can decide to work with a notable fashion line where your skills can be put to proper use.

Even if you struggle with reading, you can do well as a fashion stylist. There are a lot of notable dyslexics in the fashion industry, serving as a motivation for you to take that step, make a career for yourself, and earn a name.

6. Sports

One of the career options a person with dyslexia have is sports, this is because some dyslexics have great visuals and fast motor/reflex skills, which are very important for sports.

Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest sportsmen of all time was dyslexic, he has also over the years supported children with learning disabilities. You can consider being a coach or even an umpire, or you could play. There are several opportunities for you in sports.

7. Social Work

social worker looking at documents

It cannot be overemphasized that social work is a discipline that requires helping others, some people with dyslexia have skills needed in the social work field. Helping others through counseling, medical, legal, and even financial assistance.

Social workers are there to help people who are going through a hard time, so if you think you have the following qualities:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Active listening skills
  • Compassion and Empathy
  • Patience
  • Self-care.

You should consider taking up a job in social work. You can from there build a career and earn a good living. Social work is definitely one of our top choice jobs for dyslexic adults.

8. Sales and Marketing

Other jobs dyslexics are good at are sales and marketing officers, those who have good communication skills especially, these jobs require strong communication skills and they sometimes invoice writing emails.

Although a dyslexic person may have problems with writing, technology has made it a little bit easier especially with assisting software that can help do better in writing tasks.

9. Construction

Another great job for people with dyslexia is construction, and in that aspect, you can do a lot of things. The building and construction industry is wide and requires different skills.

Carpentry, Electrical Trades, Plumbing, Gas Painting, Insulation Installation, and so on. These are all well-paying and highly sort after jobs that everyone does. The construction company has hands-on jobs that require the expertise and the skill of a dyslexic. 

10. Landscaping and Gardening

Right under “hands-on” jobs is this motor skill required. specialty. Landscaping has to do with the designing and building of outdoor spaces. It also requires visual and practical skills. To be a caretaker or gardener, dyslexic adults need solid problem-solving skills. However, this is one field they can thrive in.

There are a few jobs considered as not being easy for dyslexic adults. Try to avoid these which are considered the worsts jobs for dyslexics.


There are a lot of job opportunities for someone with dyslexia. The nice thing about all the jobs listed is that they’re not stereotyped for “dyslexics”, they’re regular jobs that people take, jobs that are sought after. The 21st century has also opened up new job opportunities accommodating dyslexics, in all of these you have no fear and you should not feel different.

There is the grace of brilliance in everyone, and the ability for your wings to spread. You can go as far as you want, the sky is only your limit. In addition, some parastatals in different countries assist people with learning differences in getting good jobs and having their own life.

Related articles:

– Best Jobs for Adults with Slow Processing Speed

– Part-Time Jobs for Disabled Person

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What jobs can dyslexics do?

Job opportunities for dyslexics are unlimited, the meaning of this is that dyslexics are not regimented to a particular field, they thrive in a range of fields from construction to painting, to arts, landscaping, teaching and so on.

What jobs are good for dyslexics?

Dyslexics are best at jobs that make use of motor skills, jobs that involve using spatial techniques and problem-solving skills. These jobs may include mechanical engineering, fashion styling, creative design, performing arts and so on.

What are the best jobs for dyslexics?

People with learning differences are best with Jobs that involve using their hands to build things. Jobs like construction, Plumbing, painting, arts, graphics designing are a good fit. Also, each dyslexic adult has a distinct skill, going for a career would be dependent on this skill.

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