

Part-Time Jobs for Disabled Person – Top 10 Best in 2024

Woman working from home sitting on a sofa
Woman working from home sitting on a sofa

Are you fishing for the best part-time jobs you can do as a disabled person? Maybe you’re tired of depending on family and friends and need something to do to fend for yourself? If these are your lot, then, this page is for you!

There are quite a good number of job alternatives you can take up as a disabled person; you only have to consider options that best work for your condition when selecting a job position.

To help you navigate your path easily towards selecting the best part-time jobs for disabled person, the options below have been earmarked for you.

Looking for a part-time job as a disabled person? We invite you to have a look at our list of jobs for people with disabilities to find and apply to disabled friendly part-time jobs that might interest you.

1. Freelancing

woman having coffee while working on laptop
Woman having coffee while working on laptop

This is definitely the #1 best part-time job for any (physically or not) disabled person in 2024.

As a freelancer working for no specific company, you can always bid for part-time projects which you then execute on a milestone basis.

Freelancing gives you time to work conveniently and without any pressure. You can always combine freelancing with other jobs and earn more in the process.

Note that this is also the #1 job if you want to work from home with a disability.

Things you can do as a freelancer include but not limited to:

  • copywriting ;
  • web development and management ;
  • data analysis ;
  • marketing digital ;
  • content writting/proofreading ;
  • designer ;
  • virtual assistant ;
  • and so on.

That makes Freelancing one of the best types of part-time jobs for handicapped or any (physically or not) disabled person.

  • Pros: you can schedule your time as you want and can perform your work from the comfort of your home.
  • Cons: sometimes it can be challenging to find new opportunities, especially at the beginning.

This job is also in our list of the best jobs for people in wheelchairs and jobs for deaf people.

2. Accountant

This is another great position that can be done on a part-time basis by a lot of disabled. It entails book-keeping operations and account reconciliation just to ascertain that a business or company is not running at loss.

However, it’s a professional job that needs a profound knowledge of accounting and mathematics. This job is also one of our top jobs for people with OCD.

More so, you ought to have acquired sound experience if you’re to be employed for this job. So, if you fit the description, locate an organization that can help you work inclusively and gives flexible consideration for your health.

  • Pros: it is a job you can handle remotely.
  • Cons: keep in mind that, it’s an endeavor you can’t take up without a university degree and other professional certifications.

3. Customer service representatives

Customer service representatives working in an office

Typically, this type of job is done on a shift basis, so, you stand a chance to work as a part-time staff. The job role entails that you would work as a major representative of the company.

You would be the first set of persons customers are likely to reach out to concerning any query or issues they intend to resolve.

The job is mostly perfect as an easy job for disabled adults (with mobility difficulties) because customer service representatives work on a fixed spot. They take calls, respond to emails and do everything needful in ensuring that agitated customers are abated.

You can easily apply for part-time jobs when you see an opening.

  • Pros: most organizations are likely to consider you for the job without any form of discrimination.
  • Cons: it is highly rewarding but can be hectic as you get to respond to thousands of queries within a short time.

4. Marketer

The primary responsibility of a marketer is to drive sales, promote the company’s brand and increase the profit margin of an organization.

Common job titles for marketing positions include:

  • Chief marketing officer
  • Marketing analyst
  • Marketing and promotions manager
  • Vice president of marketing
  • Marketing coordinator
  • SEO expert
  • SEM expert
  • PPC Expert
  • Director of marketing
  • Marketing consultant
  • Marketing manager
  • Marketing specialist
  • Digital marketing specialist

It’s a job that requires skill more than physical completeness. The point is, what you need as a marketer is the ability to persuade people to buy what you’re selling or patronize the services you’re rendering.

People with disabilities can do well in this position. Even those who are visually impaired can do this provided they have a guide. It’s a job position that requires that you understand your target audience and convince them to go for your brand.

If you have what it takes to do this, do not hesitate to reach out to companies seeking the best marketers. There’s only one way to find out if you’ll succeed and that’s by trying.

These jobs are also on our list of the best jobs for dyslexics (adults).

  • Pros: a lot of positions can be performed remotely.
  • Cons: entry level jobs don’t require a lot of experience but they are very demanding due to the fact that there are a lot of candidates.

5. Office assistant

Front desk officer welcoming a customer
Front desk officer welcoming a customer

Working as a front desk officer involves answering the telephone, typing on the computer, and attending to guests. These activities you can perform easily.

This type of part-time job is very suitable for physically disabled persons (with mobile difficulty) but persons with hearing difficulty can also fit in a position where they get to run errands for the company.

However, you must find a company that provides a good working environment where you can work without any form of discrimination and abuse.

The job is good for you in that, it allows you to interface with people and gives you a sense of responsibility. The juicy thing is, you don’t always have to be at the desk.

  • Pros: different tasks can be done within an office space or remotely.
  • Cons: you must be very sociable as you difrectly represent the company.

6. Educational Assistant

If you are qualified to work in schools as an educational assistant, why not give it a trial.

You can work as a part-time teacher by helping out with educationally backward kids. Also, you can serve as a source of moral support to disabled kids battling with a disability like yours.

When they see you beaming with smiles, it helps to re-orientate them and give them a new perspective about life. This way, you can contribute your quota to the overall development of mankind.

Note that this job is considered one of the worst jobs for bipolar disorder.

  • Pros: helping kids can be very rewarding.
  • Cons: working with kids is not for everyone.
Women in a wheelchair is working on her laptop
Women in a wheelchair is working on her laptop

Technology has transformed ways of conducting businesses and with the right skill, you can help drive sales as a part-time worker remotely, from the comfort of your home.

However, you need to have a concrete grasp of the computer thing, understand how to work with basic software, and peruse the internet.

These kind of part-time jobs are perfect for physically disabled as it only require to stay at your desk/office.

These are the necessary criteria to excel in the position. You can be of immense help to the IT group by helping to gather data online and by visiting customers to help resolve computer-related issues.

This job gives you the liberty to work as a part-timer and also accords you enough time to rest and work at your pace except if you have deadlines to meet.

Note that this is considered as one of the good jobs for people with MS.

  • Pros: this positions can be performed from the comfort of your home
  • Cons: you must be tech-savy and comfortable using a computer/internet.

8. Salesperson

You can be useful in the sales department too by helping to sell products to customers. You can work as a part-time salesperson, stationed at a point to sell from that point.

Sales drive the profit margin of a company, if you’re good at it, you may get promoted to a better position.

However, it’s important to select the best company that gives enough room for your career development. Working at a dysfunctional company may affect your efficiency in the short or long run.

  • Pros: remote working will often not be possible.
  • Cons: your efforts determine how much you make.

9. Research

Men seated in office looking at charts
Men sitted in office looking at charts

You can take up research roles as you work tentatively on a project.

Most research projects are time-bound and you can help with the technical aspect which may include sampling, data gathering, data cleaning, and data analysis.

You can even help small-scale companies and new startups conduct feasibility studies on how to scale in the international market.

All of these are researches that you can engage in on a part-time basis and earn reasonably while doing so. Since you can do this job online, it’s also a good option when it comes to sit-down jobs for disabled.

Research is highly beneficial as it is educative and helps you to contribute positively to the society through your discoveries.

There are several research institutes out there seeking competent hands and would gladly accept you into their program not minding your disability. Be open-minded to offers and send in your applications to as many firms as possible. Even if you are not getting a reply, don’t stop!

  • Pros: it can pay very well depending on the sector.
  • Cons: research career is lacking of job security.

10. Cosmetology

If you enjoy beautifying people, working as a cosmetologist can be a perfect idea for you. You can always work part-time at different beauty salons. It’s a creative job that lets you test your creative resolve.

It’s quite rewarding and can make you popular within a short while.

Other related jobs to cosmetology which you can also do as a part-time job include nail technician, hairstylist, manicure, and pedicure services.

  • Pros: there are entrepreneurship opportunities
  • Cons: Working with customers isn’t always easy


Living with a disability does not reduce you to a mediocre or an amateur. It’s a condition that helps you to realize your full potentials. If there are disabled people like you making waves in the business world, what’s stopping you from launching out too.

Never make your disability the excuse for your limitation in life; instead, do everything within your power to do the best life for yourself and your family. You can become independent if you wish to be. Best wishes!


What are the top part-time jobs for a disabled person?

The best part-time jobs for a disabled person depend on the disability. The top 3 are represented by: Freelancing, Research and Marketer.

What is the best part-time job to consider for disabled people?

Working as a freelance is definitely the #1 best part-time job for any (physically or not) disabled person. Being a freelancer gives you a lot of flexibility.

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comment 16

  1. Kusonyiwa daniel

    How to apply

    1. MyDisabilityJobs

      Hello, to apply you have to first create your account (it’s totally Free) follow this link : Sign Up Here
      You will then be able to apply to the jobs offered on the platform.

      We suggest you to complete your profile with relevant details so the recruiters can get an overview of your skills.

      Let us know if you have more questions.
      Good luck!

  2. Thomas Zara

    I am looking for a part time job. About 10-15 hours a week. I have a disability(depression. Can you please help. Thank you.

    1. MyDisabilityJobs

      Hello Thomas, the first thing to do is to create a free account on our platform, you will be then able to apply to many open positions within inclusive company.
      Best of luck!

  3. Deborah

    Oh my, big old nope to cosmetologist. That is the career that gave me carpal tunnel and arthritis in my spine. NOT for the disabled, it will disable you though.

    1. MyDisabilityJobs

      Thank you for sharing Deborah!
      We added this one in position 10 since it’s still considered an easy job especially when it comes to part-time jobs.


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